Hump Day Musings
In the Knews;
John McCain continues his bizarre attempt to win Republican votes by screwing the Republicans. Strange indeed. I personally detest the man, yet another over-inflated ego disguising itself as a principled Politician. I don’t know a Conservative who would vote for him.
David Warren agrees with me that the rejection of the EU by
The New York Post makes the startling discovery that the Iraqi “Insurgents” are mostly from Saudi Arabia. Imagine that. The Saudis involved in Terrorism. Next thing you know, they will discover that water is wet and that the sky is blue. Next up, Bears defecate in the woods.
In yet more knews from the NY Times, Paul Krugman, the increasingly insane columnist, is revealed yet again as a Democrat apologist, skewing facts, figures and generally making up whatever evidence he needs to “expose” the Evil Republicans. And the Media wonders why the faith of the public is gone.
Obligatory NYT Stock ticker
Keep it up guys, at this rate, it will be a penny stock by next year !
In other knews, a British study has found what we have all suspected, Knives are
Whats next? Pointy sticks? Harsh Language? Bad thoughts?
And the Left wonders why they have lost the Middle Class.
Coming soon from a Democrat Politician, The US version.
In a clearly manufactured piece of information, the Iranian News agency says that Al-Zarqawi was treated for his injuries in
Never underestimate either the duplicity of Islamisists or the gullibility of the world press and other enemies of the